Online Chat Acronyms: from J to M

Ever wondered what it all means. When you are new to the Internet, understanding Chat and mobile Acronyms, numbers and Smilies can be somewhat difficult. The following are some of the meanings for Acronyms from T to Z. See also A to D, E to IN to S and T to Z.

j00 …………You
j00r ……….Your
JAC ………..Just a sec
JAM ………..Just a minutes
JFF …………Just for fun
JFGI ……….Just f***ing Google it
JIC …………Just in case
JJA …………Just joking around
JK ………….Just kidding
JMO ………Just my opinion
JP …………Just playing
JW ………..Just wondering

K …………Okay
KK ……….Knock, knock
KB ……….Keyboard
KEWL ……Cool
KEYA ……I will key you later
KEYME …Key me when you get in
KFY ……..Kiss for you
KISS …….Keep it simple, stupid
KIT ………Keep in touch
KOC …….Kiss on cheek
KOL ……..Kiss on lips
KNIM ……Know what I mean?
KPC ………Keeping parents clueless

l33t ………..Elite
L8R …………Later
L8RG8R …..Later, alligator
LD …………..Later dude or Long distance
LEMENO ….Let me know
LGH …………Lets get high
LHO …………Laughing head off
LIC …………..Like I care
LIK …………..Liquor
LMAO ………Laughing my a** off
LMBO ……….Laughing my butt off
LMFAO …….Laughing my f***ing a** off
LMIRL ………Lets meet in real life
LMK …………Let me know
LMNK ………Leave my name out
LOL …………Laugh out loud or Lots of love
LOLH ………Laughing out loud hysterically
LOLO ………Lots of love
LQTM ………Laughing quietly to myself
LSHMBH …..Laugh so hard my belly hurts
LTNS ……….Long time no see
LULZ ……….Laugh out loud
LWOS ………Laughing without smiling
LY ……………Love you
LYLAS ………Love you like a sis
LYSO ………..Love you so much

M8 …………Mate
MEGO …….My eyes glaze over
MEH ……….Shrugging shoulders
MEHH …….Sighing
MFI …………Mad for it
MIRL ……….Meet in real life
MLM ……….Give the Finger
MNC ……….Mother nature calls
MorF ………Male or female?
MOOS ……..Member of the opposite sex
MOS ………..Mother over shoulder
MOSS ………Member of same sex
MSG …………Message
MTF …………More to follow
MUSM ………Miss you so much
MYOB ……….Mind your own business

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